Data Paths
Finding a Treatment
This Data Path describes a conversation between a woman newly-diagnosed with breast cancer, and her nurse practitioner.
Specialist Referral
This Data Path describes a conversation between a female patient and her doctor at a virtual appointment.
Giving Consent
This Data Path describes a conversation between an adult male and an employee of Statistics Canada about a health survey.
Remote Monitoring
This Data Path describes a conversation between a female hospital administrator and a male patient trying to use a healthcare app.
Sharing Data with Caregivers
This Data Path describes a conversation between a caregiver and a nurse as the caregiver tries to navigate a large amount of information.

Repeated Health Questions: Youth
This Data Path describes various conversations between the father of a young patient and several members of the healthcare system.

Addressing a Data Breach
This Data Path describes a conversation between a patient and a hospital privacy officer in regard to a data breach.

Repeating Health Data: Senior with memory loss
This data path describes several interactions between medical professionals and an elderly patient suffering from memory loss